Personal and professional development through online learning
Published on 2021-09-03 12:08:16IDA Team

Personal and professional development through online learning


Amsterdam, 3 September 2021 – At IDA Foundation we believe learning lies at the basis of both professional- and personal development. In one of our previous blogs we shared some information on how we address learning and make sure all our colleagues have the opportunity to develop themselves. We mentioned our HR initiative of Social Learning courses, the access our colleagues have to the LinkedIn Learning platform, and how we create a learning environment where we hire and train interns.

We also organise ‘The Future of …’-events (at least) four times a year. These are lunch meetings where we invite external speakers from different organisations (such as partners or customers) who can tell us something about the partnership between them and us and how we can both benefit from collaborating in the future.

This week, we invited two speakers from LinkedIn for our ‘The Future of Learning’ session. We gained some interesting insights about the benefits of learning, and how important learning is for motivation and participation at work. Many of our colleagues are frequent users of the LinkedIn Learning platform, and some of them were willing to share their experience with us:

“LinkedIn Learning was introduced to me by HR through the Social Learning Academy on trainings about managing conflict and time management. Interestingly enough, those courses were not just applicable in a business setting, but also in my day-to-day life. From there I dived into learning about other topics based on my personal interest. […]” – Christos

“I have always really enjoyed learning. As a starter, I quite often miss studying and attending lectures to learn about new subjects. Having access to a platform, like LinkedIn Learning with a wide variety of topics, enables me to keep learning and develop myself. It has also really helped me to improve daily tasks, such as writing texts.” – Marlies

“I had no idea that you could learn so much with an online platform (like LinkedIn Learning). Even short videos can improve your knowledge of a certain topic and optimise the efficiency of your work, like the use of Outlook. It has been of great help since I switched roles from Sales to Project Manager, for which I needed different knowledge. […]” – Manila

We hope that more colleagues will learn about the benefits of learning through different channels that we offer at IDA. We welcome all our people to join the sessions that we organise, and look forward to developing even more ways to build our knowledge, skills in a social way, because learning together is even more fun!