Strengthened PPM Vector Control programme
As a selected Procurement Services Agent (PSA), IDA Foundation recently signed a Framework Agreement with the Global Fund under the Pooled Procurement Mechanism (PPM). Focusing on Vector Control, this Framework Agreement is for a period of 3 years with a possible extension to maximum 6 years for the procurement and supply of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) and Indoor Residual Spray (IRS).
LLINs and IRS are two important vector control measures that protect humans from the mosquitoes carrying malaria parasites. Since 2013, IDA Foundation has procured 570 million LLINs for 47 countries as PSA for the PPM programme. With the addition of IRS to our services we are happy to strengthen our support in the fight against malaria.
Photo credit banner: M. Hallahan / Sumitomo chemical
Photo credit IRS: WHO