Improving access to female hygiene products
Amsterdam, 8 March 2022 – On this International Women’s Day we are happy to announce a new partnership with Aakar Innovations. Aakar is an Indian social enterprise that developed Anandi pads which are the first patented and certified compostable sanitary pads available in the country.
Globally, an estimated 500 million people who menstruate do not have access to menstrual products and hygiene facilities, causing 1 out of 10 girls to miss school on a regular basis. Our latest partnership with Aakar Innovations addresses this issue. Through this partnership we are expanding our Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) portfolio, which already includes a variety of contraceptives, pregnancy supplements, heat-stable carbetocin to prevent post-partum hemorrhage, clean delivery kits, child nutrition products and diarrhoea kits. For the launch of our partnership with Aakar we made a video about their eco-friendly sanitary pads, watch it below: