Raising environmental awareness in IDA's Earth Day Campaign
Amsterdam, 22 April 2022 – Each year, on the 22nd of April, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day and in a call for action to protect our planet from negative impacts such as pollution and deforestation.
The environment has a big impact on global health. In the 10 days leading up to Earth Day, IDA Foundation held their own Earth Day campaign among staff members to raise awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability and to share insights and suggestions that can stimulate our behaviour positively, and encourage everyone to become a changemaker when it comes to the environment.
During the campaign we shared information on a variety of topics, starting with sharing short videos and TED talks about sustainability. Besides helping our staff to learn about sustainability, we also hoped to inspire them, by sharing must-see documentaries and movies about soil regeneration, eco-friendly farming, and about future perspectives when it comes to climate change. We asked input from our colleagues about new sustainable measures they would like to see implemented in our offices. By actively involving our staff, we hope to increase motivation and dedication to the initiatives, and programmes in place regarding sustainability and environmental protection.
We also elaborated on our aim to become ISO 14001 certified, which means that we will be taking bigger steps towards environmental action - from new policies to integration in our daily operations. This connects really well to our long-term goal towards building sustainable value chains, as we believe we can have an impact as an organisation. By focusing on different areas such as environment-friendly behaviour in the workplace and at home, innovating to make supply chains more sustainable, and by minimising waste generation and reducing our carbon emissions.
Read more about our long-term goals here, and find our UN Global Compact sustainability reports (Communication on Engagement) on our Sustainability page.