Building local presence: partnering with manufacturers in destination countries
Published on 2022-06-08 14:15:56

Building local presence: partnering with manufacturers in destination countries


Amsterdam, 8 June 2022 - Strengthened local capacity is one of IDA’s long-term strategic goals. This goal is worked on through our ambition to source more products from manufacturers in low- and middle-income countries, where the demand for IDA’s essential health products is greatest.

Through IDA’s decades of experience in the development of a strong supplier network (mostly based in India and China), we are taking the next step when it comes to strengthening our local manufacturer network, by working with approved manufacturers in various African countries. Local manufacturing has multiple benefits, as it improves local employment, it shortens supply chains and it strengthens local health systems. We believe that our three long-term goals are closely connected and by investing in local, and sustainable health care systems we will accelerate progress towards universal health coverage.

Aside from adding local manufacturers to our supplier network, we also work on strengthening local capacity by expanding our agent and distributor network, which has grown to over 30 representatives in the last decades. Our agents support and promote IDA and its customers on a local level, providing insights and sharing knowledge. Our distributors also keep their own stock of IDA products that are in (urgent) demand in that area, also when smaller quantities are required.

Read more about our agent & distributor network and about local manufacturing on our updated Local Services page.