Ecovadis Bronze medal for IDA Foundation
Published on 2024-05-21 08:28:44Sustainability

Ecovadis Bronze medal for IDA Foundation


IDA Foundation is proud to announce that we have been awarded with a Bronze Medal in its first assessment of EcoVadis, an internationally recognised sustainability ratings provider. Even though this was IDA Foundation’s first assessment, our overall score of 63/100 points puts IDA in the 81st percentile of all companies assessed by EcoVadis and also places it among the best-ranking companies in its industry segment (wholesale).

We scored especially high on Environment and Ethics, with a score of 70/100. For the categories Labour and Human Rights and Sustainable Procurement we scored 60/100, which is also above average. For the additional section ‘Carbon Management’, IDA Foundation is currently Intermediate, having set long-term targets related to our emissions and having completed our first CO2 baseline in 2023.

Following our ISO14001 certification in 2022 for our Environmental Management System (EMS), IDA is glad to build on both our environmental and social sustainability commitments. This assessment allows us to progress in sustainable practices across all facets of our operations.

“We are very pleased with these first results from Ecovadis and the insights that this assessment has given us. It aligns seamlessly with our sustainability ambitions and provides specific recommendations for maintaining and improving the score next year’s assessment. By providing clear indicators of our strengths and areas for improvement, the EcoVadis assessment equips us with an actionable roadmap for future actions”, said Wendy Eggen, CEO of IDA Foundation.

Our score is shown here ( The detailed rating scorecard is available to partners within the assessment platform (as a participating company within Ecovadis). If you are not participant but would like more details, please contact in case of questions on our assessment results.